Sashchenko N.P. The state of national-state identity through the lens of citizenship of russian students. PolitBook. 2024. No. 3. Pp. 149-171. DOI: 10.24412 ... Sashchenko N.P. The state of national-state identity through the lens of citizenship of russian students. PolitBook. 2024. No. 3. Pp. 149-171. DOI: 10.24412/2227-1538-2024-3-149-171. ISSN 2227-1538DOI 10.24412/2227-1538-2024-3-149-171РИНЦ: on site: 25.10.24Текст статьи/выпуска на сайте журнала URL: (дата обращения 25.10.2024)AbstractThe purpose of the article is to present the results of a socio-political analysis of multidirectional identification processes in the mass consciousness of modern Russian student youth as potential causes of long-term systemic risks. The importance of the problem of the adequacy of criteria for assessing the stability of the identification profile of an individual, a group, as well as the possibility of preserving national-state identity in a rapidly and radically changing reality is noted. The application of theoretical and methodological approaches to the analysis of identification processes in mass consciousness is substantiated: the approach of symbolic interactionism by Ch. Cooley, N. Betaneli, which explains the formation of the “We-concept” in the process of social interaction; L. Drobizheva’s ethnosociological approach to understanding and analyzing civil-state identity. Identification markers are considered as determinants not only of the subjective reconstruction of the political sphere of relations and civic self-determination, but also of the objective process of transformation of social and political spaces. Hypotheses were tested about the connection between the degree of importance in the minds of young people of their self-assessments by type of social identity with their attitude towards the country, political institutions, political and civic practices, as well as the connection with their social well-being and sense of citizenship. The empirical object of the study was Russian students. The sociological study was conducted by the Center for Political Science of the Institute of Political Sciences of the Federal Scientific Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences in April-May 2023 using an online survey in 31 constituent entities of the Russian Federation from all federal districts. The hypotheses were tested on paired distributions. To identify the relationship between the dependent and independent variables, the method of multivariate statistical data analysis, linear regression analysis, was used. To calculate the proportion of variation in the dependent variable explained by the independent variables, the coefficient of determination R-squared (R2) was calculated. SPSS.25 software was used to analyze the data. A conclusion is drawn about the emerging process of transformation of the boundaries of the space of Russian identity in the perception of student youth, supported by a contradictory sense of citizenship, as well as the passivity of civic attitudes of young people in the space of five types of social identity.