Volkova O.A. The social immunity as component of social health in context of demographic security. Problemi socialnoi gigieni, zdravookhranenia i istorii meditsini. 2024;32(5):941–945 (In Russ.). DOI: http: ... Volkova O.A. The social immunity as component of social health in context of demographic security. Problemi socialnoi gigieni, zdravookhranenia i istorii meditsini. 2024;32(5):941–945 (In Russ.). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32687/0869-866X-2024-32-5-941-945.ISSN 0869-866XDOI 10.32687/0869-866X-2024-32-5-941-945РИНЦ: https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=74509206Posted on site: 04.12.24 AbstractThe purpose of the study is to consider social immunity as integral component of social health. It is determined that scientists recognize importance of natural, anthropogenic and social conditions of human residence for preservation and improvement of health. At that, most often life-style, professional activities, nutrition, physical activity and ecology are considered. However, it is noted that no less important for human health, especially for its social component, are influences of social environment, as well as stability and resistance of social subject itself to negative impacts of alien socio-cultural systems. It is indicated that non-medical influences have daily impact on human social health. They originate from wide spectrum of social institutions that shape everyday life (authorities, family, education, sport, employment, culture). It is established that social immunity is a component of social health. It consists in human ability to recognize and to resist negative impacts coming from alien socio-cultural environment as an attempt of intrusion of alien images, norms, goals, values. The conclusion is made that social immunity acts as component of social health of every individual and thus it serves to ensure demographic security of entire country. The purpose of the study is to consider social immunity as integral component of social health. It is determined that scientists recognize importance of natural, anthropogenic and social conditions of human residence for preservation and improvement of health. At that, most often life-style, professional activities, nutrition, physical activity and ecology are considered. However, it is noted that no less important for human health, especially for its social component, are influences of social environment, as well as stability and resistance of social subject itself to negative impacts of alien socio-cultural systems.It is indicated that non-medical influences have daily impact on human social health. They originate from wide spectrum of social institutions that shape everyday life (authorities, family, education, sport, employment, culture). It is established that social immunity is a component of social health. It consists in human ability to recognize and to resist negative impacts coming from alien socio-cultural environment as an attempt of intrusion of alien images, norms, goals, values. The conclusion is made that social immunity acts as component of social health of every individual and thus it serves to ensure demographic security of entire country.