Medvedeva E.I., Pakhar V.A. Key problems of patent law in Russia. Progressive Economics. 2024. No. 10. Pp. 210-221. DOI: 10.54861 Medvedeva E.I., Pakhar V.A. Key problems of patent law in Russia. Progressive Economics. 2024. No. 10. Pp. 210-221. DOI: 10.54861/27131211_2024_10_210. EDN: VRLOZT.ISSN 2713-1211DOI 10.54861/27131211_2024_10_210РИНЦ: on site: 07.12.24Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: (дата обращения 07.12.2024)AbstractThe purpose of the article is to study issues related to the identification of problems in the registration of intellectual property in Russia. In the context of the development of the digital economy, the importance of intangible assets has increased, including research and development, intellectual property, brands, software, databases, as well as organizational resources and competencies. In the article, the category of "intangible assets" is considered under a special focus of view, which means intellectual property, in particular intellectual property objects protected by a patent. There are a number of problems in the field of patent law in Russia. This allows us to state that there is a lag behind world leaders in these issues. The analysis of the dynamics of filing patent applications by type and structure, taking into account the world ranking, is carried out. The "critical positions" in the structure of patent applications have been identified and the impact of the identified problems on the activity of campaigns and individuals when applying for inventions has been confirmed. It is concluded that changes in legislation in the field of legal protection of intellectual property, professional development of experts, increased information awareness on intellectual property issues and market development should have a positive impact.