Makeeva S.B. History of the foundation and functioning of economic development zones in the Chinese northeastern province of Jilin (1991 to the present). Bulletin of Tomsk University. 2024. No. 505. Pp. 161-171. Makeeva S.B. History of the foundation and functioning of economic development zones in the Chinese northeastern province of Jilin (1991 to the present). Bulletin of Tomsk University. 2024. No. 505. Pp. 161-171.ISSN 1561-7793DOI 10.17223/15617793/505/17РИНЦ: on site: 09.12.24Текст статьи/выпуска на сайте журнала URL: (дата обращения 09.12.2024)AbstractThe article examines the evolution of economic development zones in the Chinese northeastern province of Jilin from 1991 to the present, based on a study of Chinese-language material from the database of the Chinese Association of Development Zones. Materials. The article uses the main historical sources characterizing the history of the founding and functioning of economic development zones in the Chinese northeastern province of Jilin in the period from 1991 to the present: reports on the opening of economic development zones, materials of inspection trips of representatives of the People's Government of Jilin Province to development zones. Methods. The main research methods in preparing the article were the diachronic method, which made it possible to present the opening and functioning of economic development zones in Jilin Province as a stage-by-stage historical process; The synchronous method contributed to the study of the totality of various events in the regional economic history of the province in question, related to the founding and activities of economic development zones. Progress of the study. As part of the study of the history of the founding and functioning of development zones in Jilin Province, several stages were identified: from 1991 to 1999, from 2000 to 2012 and from 2013 to present. History of regional economic development of Jilin Province since the beginning of the twentieth century. determined by the effective functioning of economic zones. From 1991 to the present, 73 development zones were founded in this province, which were the foundation of the innovative model for the revival of Northeast China. For three decades, the process of creating development zones in Jilin Province was under the control of the State Council of the People's Republic of China and the People's Government of Jilin Province. Results. The study found that from 1991 to the present, development zones have been the foundation of the innovative revitalization model of Northeast China. By the beginning of the 1990s. Jilin Province was characterized by low rates of economic growth and the predominance of state-owned enterprises. Between 1991 and 1999 Various economic development zones were established in Jilin Province, which laid a solid foundation for the transformation of the national economy. A total of 17 economic zones were opened, the main activities of which were the food industry, automotive industry, biopharmaceutical industry, agriculture and wood processing industry. Characterizing the state of the national economic complex of Jilin Province in the first decade of the 21st century. It is worth noting such trends as the persistence of low rates of economic growth and the beginning of a general transformation in the context of the adoption of a program in 2003 to revive the old industrial base in Northeast China. For Jilin Province, the period is from 2000 to 2012 characterized by the establishment of many economic development zones at both the provincial and national levels. In just 12 years, 42 economic zones were opened in the province. Most of the zones specialized in the development of the food and pharmaceutical industries and agriculture. The creation of economic zones in the chemical, metallurgical, textile, woodworking and automotive industries was supported. Such innovative directions in the functioning of economic zones began to appear, such as the production of organic food, restaurant business and tourism, the development and implementation of biotechnologies in agriculture, the production of new energy sources and new materials, industrial art, postal services, and the modern packaging industry. For the economic development of northeastern Jilin Province, since 2013, a period of vigorous action has begun to overcome the state of development with low growth rates. In total, from 2013 to the present, 14 economic zones were opened in Jilin Province, the main activities of which were the production of organic food, the biopharmaceutical industry, and the wood processing industry. The article examines the evolution of economic development zones in the Chinese northeastern province of Jilinfrom 1991 to the present, based on a study of Chinese-language material from the database of the Chinese Association of Development Zones. Materials. The article uses the main historical sources characterizing the history of the founding andfunctioning of economic development zones in the Chinese northeastern province of Jilin in the period from 1991 to thepresent: reports on the opening of economic development zones, materials of inspection trips of representatives of thePeople's Government of Jilin Province to development zones. Methods. The main research methods in preparing thearticle were the diachronic method, which made it possible to present the opening and functioning of economicdevelopment zones in Jilin Province as a stage-by-stage historical process; The synchronous method contributed to thestudy of the totality of various events in the regional economic history of the province in question, related to the foundingand activities of economic development zones. Progress of the study. As part of the study of the history of the foundingand functioning of development zones in Jilin Province, several stages were identified: from 1991 to 1999, from 2000 to2012 and from 2013 to present. History of regional economic development of Jilin Province since the beginning of thetwentieth century. determined by the effective functioning of economic zones. From 1991 to the present, 73 developmentzones were founded in this province, which were the foundation of the innovative model for the revival of NortheastChina. For three decades, the process of creating development zones in Jilin Province was under the control of the StateCouncil of the People's Republic of China and the People's Government of Jilin Province. Results. The study found thatfrom 1991 to the present, development zones have been the foundation of the innovative revitalization model of NortheastChina. By the beginning of the 1990s. Jilin Province was characterized by low rates of economic growth and thepredominance of state-owned enterprises. Between 1991 and 1999 Various economic development zones were establishedin Jilin Province, which laid a solid foundation for the transformation of the national economy. A total of 17 economiczones were opened, the main activities of which were the food industry, automotive industry, biopharmaceutical industry,agriculture and wood processing industry. Characterizing the state of the national economic complex of Jilin Province inthe first decade of the 21st century. It is worth noting such trends as the persistence of low rates of economic growth andthe beginning of a general transformation in the context of the adoption of a program in 2003 to revive the old industrialbase in Northeast China. For Jilin Province, the period is from 2000 to 2012 characterized by the establishment of manyeconomic development zones at both the provincial and national levels. In just 12 years, 42 economic zones were openedin the province. Most of the zones specialized in the development of the food and pharmaceutical industries andagriculture. The creation of economic zones in the chemical, metallurgical, textile, woodworking and automotiveindustries was supported. Such innovative directions in the functioning of economic zones began to appear, such as theproduction of organic food, restaurant business and tourism, the development and implementation of biotechnologies inagriculture, the production of new energy sources and new materials, industrial art, postal services, and the modernpackaging industry. For the economic development of northeastern Jilin Province, since 2013, a period of vigorous actionhas begun to overcome the state of development with low growth rates. In total, from 2013 to the present, 14 economiczones were opened in Jilin Province, the main activities of which were the production of organic food, thebiopharmaceutical industry, and the wood processing industry.