Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Bryno V.V. Boundaries of the Permissible: Perception of Corrupt Behavior Among Russian Youth. Journal of Economy and entrepreneurship. 2024. No. 12 (173). Pp. 220-226. DOI 10.34925 ...

Bryno V.V. Boundaries of the Permissible: Perception of Corrupt Behavior Among Russian Youth. Journal of Economy and entrepreneurship. 2024. No. 12 (173). Pp. 220-226. DOI 10.34925/EIP.2024.173.12.037. EDN KKEOOS.
ISSN 1999-2300
DOI 10.34925/EIP.2024.173.12.037

Posted on site: 20.12.24



The article is devoted to the study of perceptions of corruption among youth, whose values and attitudes towards corruption play a key role in shaping the future socio-political development of the country. Based on online surveys of the urban working population (N=1300) and students (N=800), conducted by the Department of Sociology of Deviant Behavior at the Institute of Sociology, FCTAS RAS in 2024, youth views on corruption were analyzed, the prevalence of certain corrupt practices was examined, and the features of youth legal consciousness and the relationship between legal nihilism and involvement in corrupt actions were investigated.The study focuses on developing an index of youth legal consciousness, which enabled the classification of respondents by their level of legal nihilism. It was found that legal consciousness significantly influences attitudes toward corruption in general but is not a decisive factor in assessing specific practices. The study shows that even among those demonstrating a high level of legal consciousness, instances of involvement in corruption are observed, indicating the deep entrenchment of these practices in everyday life.