Ledeneva V.Yu. Chinese Students On The Russian- Chinese Strategic Partnership: Sociological Analysis Of Perception. Sociology. 2024. No. 11. Pp. 45-52. EDN CSUDHE. Ledeneva V.Yu. Chinese Students On The Russian- Chinese Strategic Partnership: Sociological Analysis Of Perception. Sociology. 2024. No. 11. Pp. 45-52. EDN CSUDHE.ISSN 1812-9226DOI нетРИНЦ: https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=75209574Posted on site: 23.12.24 AbstractThe article presents the results of an empirical study “Perception by Chinese students of the strategic partnership between Russia and China in the context of modern international relations.” The study analyzed the respondents’ answers to questions about the challenges and potential of cooperation between the two countries, as well as identified the main directions in which further development of bilateral relations is seen. The results obtained give an idea of the sentiments and expectations of the young Chinese audience regarding the current and future state of interstate interaction. The purpose of the article is to identify and analyze the perception of the Russian-Chinese strategic partnership by Chinese students, as well as to identify the main factors influencing their opinion. The novelty of the work lies in the focus on the perception of the younger generation of China studying at Russian higher education institutions in relation to Russian-Chinese cooperation. Unlike most studies that focus on political, economic or diplomatic aspects, this article focuses on the sociological aspect, studying the opinion of students as future participants in socio-economic and political processes. This approach makes it possible to expand the understanding of public opinion in China and predict possible trends in the development of interstate relations.