Nikovskaya L.I. On the question of the relationship between the concepts of "resolution", "settlement" and "management" of the conflict. In: Socio-political conflicts: theoretical concepts and practice of settlement: [monograph] ... Nikovskaya L.I. On the question of the relationship between the concepts of `resolution`, `settlement` and `management` of the conflict. In: Socio-political conflicts: theoretical concepts and practice of settlement: [monograph] / L.N. Nikovskaya, O.M. Mikhaylenok, L.N. Timofeeva, etc.]; ed. by L. Nikovskaya.I., O.M. Mikhaylenko ; preface by O.M. Mikhaylenko ; FCTAS RAS - M.: FCTAS RAS . 2024. P. 358-373.Глава из книги: Социально-политические конфликты: теоретические представления и практики урегулирования: [монография] / Л. И. Никовская, О. М. Михайленок, Л. Н. Тимофеева [и др.] ; отв. ред. Л. И. Никовская, О. М. Михайленок ; предисл. О. М. Михайленок ; ФНИСЦ РАН. – М. : ФНИСЦ РАН, 2024. – 460 с.ISBN 978-5-89697-436-9DOI 10.19181/monogr.978-5-89697-436-9.2024РИНЦ: on site: 25.12.24 AbstractThe section shows the substantive differences in the use of the concepts of "management", "settlement" and "resolution" of conflicts. In the last decade of the 20th century, the terms "conflict management" and "conflict settlement" of conflicts are most often used among Western specialists, and the term "conflict resolution" (solving a conflict) is practically not used. The latter means that public practice in conflict regulation and resolution has come to the conclusion that simultaneous "removal" of conflict at the level of the object (objective contradiction that gave rise to the conflict) and at the level of the subject (internal, subjective forms of awareness of the sources of conflict, i.e. subjective images of a conflict situation) is practically impossible.