Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Adamyants T. Z. (2024), “Mental technologies of modern educational processes”, Research Result. Social Studies and Humanities, 10 (4), 128-140,DOI: 10.18413 ...

Adamyants T. Z. (2024), “Mental technologies of modern educational processes”, Research Result. Social Studies and Humanities, 10 (4), 128-140,DOI: 10.18413/2408-932X-2024-10-4-1-1
ISSN 2408-932X
DOI 10.18413/2408-932X-2024-10-4-1-1

Posted on site: 29.12.24

Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL:Социогуманитарные_исследования_2024_Т.10__4-129-141.pdf (дата обращения 29.12.2024)


The article focuses on latent requirements (semantic nuances) for mental technologies that ensure success in key groups of disciplines of the modern education system. The methodological basis of the study turned out to be an interdisciplinary semiosociopsychology concept of social communication, in which the educational process is considered as a communicative and cognitive activity. The criterion of conclusions and recommendations is the conformity of the encouraged mental technologies with the tasks of harmonious development, socialization and social adaptation of the younger generation. A predominant focus on memorization is advisable only when mastering informative-cognitive disciplines. In the natural-mathematical and socio-communicative disciplines, not only the ability to memorize is important, but also the skills of deep understanding based on multi-level mental operation, allowing you to get the desired constant result. The curricula of natural sciences and mathematics are traditionally focused on the development of mental operating skills based on clear laws, dependencies and interdependencies. However, programs of social-communicative disciplines based on postmodern ideas about the multiplicity of meanings devalue the mental search for semantic (motivational-target) dominants in perceived works/materials; the technologies encouraged here are associated with memorization, the search for personal-pragmatic aspects or with arbitrary interpretation. The social costs of such an approach result in the inability of people, groups, communities to negotiate on a constructive and honest basis, and expanded opportunities for fans of manipulation. The costs of the personal plan are associated with difficulties in socialization and social adaptation. The search for ways to improve the domestic education system is associated with moving away from the influence of postmodern ideas, taking into account the positive experience of the Soviet school, using the developments of domestic science that allow you to "see" the deep meanings in any works/materials, propaganda and advertising campaigns.