Simonova V., Sergeev A., Kotkin K. The Trail of Leviathan: Lakeside Arctic Fisheries and Socio-Economic Innovations in Teriberka Village, Murmansk Region. Etnografia. 2024. 4 (26): 240–263. (In Russian). DOI: 10.31250 ... Simonova V., Sergeev A., Kotkin K. The Trail of Leviathan: Lakeside Arctic Fisheries and Socio-Economic Innovations in Teriberka Village, Murmansk Region. Etnografia. 2024. 4 (26): 240–263. (In Russian). DOI: 10.31250/2618-8600-2024-4(26)-240-263 ISSN 2618-8600DOI 10.31250/2618-8600-2024-4(26)-240-263РИНЦ: on site: 01.01.24Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: (дата обращения 01.01.2025)AbstractFisheries in the inland waters of Teriberka village, primarily lake fishing has been historically played a crucial socio-economic role for local residents. Well being and development projects mostly associated with the new brand of the region “Leviathan” movie produced in Teriberka sea landscapes changed the status of inland waters’ informal fisheries; yet, transferred it from a recreational to a commercial activity. Local residents keep in secret resourceful landscapes: lakes and fruitful fish spots. This secrecy has become a symbolic boundary between locals and newcomers, and also emerged as a new form of local solidarity. Inland water fisheries including lake fishing are a shadow enterprise. In past times, lake fishing was a leisure activity interpreted as a “hiking for beauty” and for changing diet preferences. Yet nowadays emotional experience of this practice was replaced by the garage with its infrastructure, routines, and new schemes of relations with the market economy and flows of tourists. Overall, lakeside fishing is an attempt to create a socio-ecological balance between Teriberka as a “den of Leviathan” and Teriberka as a Pomor village embedded with local tradition and intimacy of fishing. Finally, lakeside fishing is a space of rethinking and renewal of ideas about wealth, abundance, boundaries with the outside world and the limits of acceptable scaling of economic innovations.