Rybakova M.V., Zvereva M.M. Reflection of the environmental policy of the Government of Moscow and the Moscow region in the news context of the media. Public Administration. Electronic Bulletin. 2024. No. 102. Pp. 207-221. Rybakova M.V., Zvereva M.M. Reflection of the environmental policy of the Government of Moscow and the Moscow region in the news context of the media. Public Administration. Electronic Bulletin. 2024. No. 102. Pp. 207-221.ISSN 2070-1381 DOI 10.55959/MSU2070-1381-102-2024-207-221РИНЦ: https://elibrary.ru/contents.asp?id=63435107Posted on site: 05.01.24Текст статьи на сайте Ciberleninka URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/otrazhenie-ekologicheskoy-politiki-pravitelstva-moskvy-i-moskovskoy-oblasti-v-novostnom-kontekste-smi (дата обращения 05.01.2025)AbstractThe article is devoted to the analysis of the environmental policy of the Government of Moscow and the Moscow region and its reflection in the news content of the mass media for the period from January 01 to July 31, 2023. The analysis of publications was carried out using the automated system Medialogy. The total number of analyzed publications is 6620 messages. The results of the study indicate that the gap associated with the population’s need for a favorable environmental situation and the real state of affairs tends to decrease. Publications have a pronounced positive emotional coloring. At the same time, the problems that, according to environmental monitoring by All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center, do not lose their relevance, namely, the response of the authorities to environmental problems, construction and transport issues, are reflected in publications in the media and make up a set of the most complete thematic headings. The information field in the sphere of ecology is sensitive to regulatory events: a surge of publications occurs in the period of active transformations in environmental legislation, which suggests that such a management tool as regulatory regulation has the greatest weight in the information space. An important role in shaping a positive perception of the environmental situation is given to dialogues with government officials (for example, the mayor of Moscow), as well as various environmental actions that allow government officials and environmental activists to carry out targeted activities and broadcast their benefits to the population. As prospects for further research, the opportunity to analyze the publications of various persons, groups and channels in social networks is highlighted.