Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Burkhanova F.B., Sabanaeva K.E., Khazipova S.R. (2024). Measures of material support for family students – modern policy of Russian universities. Social area, 10(4). DOI: 10.15838 ...

Burkhanova F.B., Sabanaeva K.E., Khazipova S.R. (2024). Measures of material support for family students – modern policy of Russian universities. Social area, 10(4). DOI: 10.15838/sa.2024.4.44.4 URL:
ISSN 2499-9881
DOI 10.15838/sa.2024.4.44.4

Posted on site: 06.01.24

Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: (дата обращения 06.01.2025)


The article analyzes the measures of financial aid provided in Russian universities to family students, i.e. students: married, with or without a child, raising a child without a married couple. The aim of the work is to identify the categories of family students indicated in the documents of higher education institutions as recipients of measures of material support, as well as the grounds for its receipt; to highlight the categories and measures that can be more widely distributed. The data were obtained by content analysis of the provisions that are freely available on the websites of universities. The sample consisted of 96 universities with the status of national research universities, federal universities funded under the Priority-2030 program. We considered only measures directly addressed to family students, excluded measures provided to all students regardless of marital status and presence of children. According to the results obtained, the main recipients of assistance are full-time students studying at the expense of budgetary funds. Among the categories of recipients, families with a child/children are most often included. Single parents are not often included in the number of recipients, and families raising a disabled child are extremely rare. The grounds for support most often include one-time family events (birth of a child; marriage; death of a wife, husband, child). Rarely, the grounds are situations that require significant or permanent material expenses of the family (payment for dormitory, rent of living quarters; attendance of a child at a preschool institution; expensive treatment, medical examinations, surgeries, long-term illness). We formulate the following proposals: to extend financial aid measures to students of non-budgetary form to all universities; to specify single parents and persons raising a disabled child, as well as “student families” among the recipients with a preliminary definition of this category in the federal law; to include in the list of grounds for granting aid situations that require significant or constant material expenses of the family.