Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Kolesnik N.V. How to Study the Economic Elite, or What the Insanely Rich Russians Think about Themselves. Book Review: Schimpfossl E. Rich Russians. From Oligarchs to Bourgeoisie. Moscow: Individuum, 2022, 352 p. St. Petersburg Sociology Today. 2024. N. 25. P. 135-146. DOI:10.25990 ...

Kolesnik N.V. How to Study the Economic Elite, or What the Insanely Rich Russians Think about Themselves. Book Review: Schimpfossl E. Rich Russians. From Oligarchs to Bourgeoisie. Moscow: Individuum, 2022, 352 p. St. Petersburg Sociology Today. 2024. N. 25. P. 135-146. DOI:10.25990/socinstras.pss-25.ex31-pp04
ISSN 2308-3166
DOI 10.25990/socinstras.pss-25.ex31-pp04

Posted on site: 09.01.24

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The paper presents a review of the book by the famous Austrian sociologistElizabeth Schimpfössl “Rich Russians. From Oligarchs to Bourgeoisie”, which wastranslated into Russian in 2022. Using a lot of empirical material, the author of themonograph attempts to answer the main question: what the oligarchs think aboutthemselves? The sociologist draws attention to the state of the research field in Russia in terms of studying the Russian elite and provides the reader with a detailed description of how the formation and isolation of the Russian elite takes place, how these processes are related to family history, philanthropy, gender relations, and the younger generation.