Valiakhmetov, R.M., Turakayev, M.S. (2024), “The influence of family status and ethnicity on of the population (on the example of the Republic of Bashkortostan)”, Research Result. Sociology and Management, 10 (4), 111-129. DOI: 10.18413 ... Valiakhmetov, R.M., Turakayev, M.S. (2024), “The influence of family status and ethnicity on of the population (on the example of the Republic of Bashkortostan)”, Research Result. Sociology and Management, 10 (4), 111-129. DOI: 10.18413/2408-9338-2024-10-4-0-6ISSN 2408-9338DOI 10.18413/2408-9338-2024-10-4-0-6РИНЦ: on site: 10.01.25Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: (дата обращения 10.01.2025)AbstractThe current issues surrounding migration and population mobility aresubject to active study and analysis within both domestic and international literature.Concurrently, greater attention is accorded to the socio-economic and demographicaspects, factors and causes of migration processes and social and labour relations.Consequently, as with any social phenomenon, the labour and migration mobility ofthe population is influenced by a number of additional factors, including those that arenot economic in nature. In this article, the authors examine the influence of two factors:family status and belonging to a particular ethnic group. The objective of this article isto ascertain the impact of ethnicity and family status on the labour mobility andmigration behaviour of the population of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The empiricalbasis of this article is formed by the results of two sociological surveys: “Quality ofEmployment and Human Development” (2020) and “Ethnic Features of Employmentand Labor Mobility of the Population of the Republics of the Russian Federation”(2024). The study focuses on individuals belonging to the three largest ethnic groupsin the Republic of Bashkortostan, aged between 18 and 64 years, and residing in theregion on a permanent basis. The three largest ethnic groups in the Republic ofBashkortostan are the Bashkirs, Russians, and Tatars. The findings of our studyindicate that family and marital status exert a considerable influence on the labourtrajectory and migration mobility of the population. While belonging to a particularethnic group is significant, its impact is less pronounced in the context of the Republicof Bashkortostan, where it is more closely associated with the distinctivecharacteristics of rural or urban settlement of ethnic groups. The authors of the article concede that the influence of ethnicity on labour and migration mobility of the population may be less pronounced or, conversely, more pronounced in other Russian regions, republics or countries.