Doholyan S.V., Hasanova A.D. Development of the higher education system in the context of the fourth industrial revolution. Regional problems of economic transformation. 2024. No. 10. Pp. 117-126. Doholyan S.V., Hasanova A.D. Development of the higher education system in the context of the fourth industrial revolution. Regional problems of economic transformation. 2024. No. 10. Pp. 117-126.ISSN 1812-7096DOI 10.26726/rppe2024v10dothРИНЦ: on site: 11.01.25Текст статьи/выпуска на сайте журнала URL:РППЭ-№10-2024-с-DOI-1.pdf (дата обращения 11.01.2025)AbstractThe purpose of the article is to identify and systematize promising areas and problems of the development of higher education institutions in the context of the fourth industrial revolution, taking into account the impact of its main technologies and innovations created on their basis. Based on the results of the analysis, in accordance with the sequence (technologies; innovations created on their basis; consequences of their introduction; impact on the labor market and the personnel training system), the opportunities and threats to the development of higher education institutions caused by the introduction of technologies of the fourth industrial revolution are identified and systematized. Taking them into account, promising directions for the development of higher education institutions have been identified, and the problems of their implementation have been outlined. The scheme of functioning of a higher education institution in the context of the fourth industrial revolution as a self-governing system is proposed, which, by analogy with industrial enterprises, allows combining with the help of digital technologies into a single complex: human potential (personnel and students); resource potential (tangible and intangible resources); processes (scientific, educational and auxiliary). The results obtained together deepen the fundamental aspects of innovation management of a higher educational institution in terms of improving the approach to forming the methodological base of the organizational and economic mechanism for managing strategies for its innovative development in the context of the fourth industrial revolution.