Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

A. V. Dmitriev, G. A. Petuhov. Socio-spatial discourse conflicts external labor migration

A. V. Dmitriev, G. A. Petuhov. Socio-spatial discourse conflicts external labor migration // Regional sociology: the problems of consolidation of the Russian social space. M., a New chronograph. 2015. P. 347-378.

Глава из книги: Региональная социология: проблемы консолидации социального пространства России / отв. ред. В.В. Маркин. Ред. коллегия: М.К. Горшков, В.В. Маркин, В.В. Воронов, чл.-корр. РАН А.В. Дмитриев, Н.И. Лапин, А.В. Тихонов, А.Н. Чумиков., Бийжанова Э.К / М. Горшков, В. Маркин, А. Дмитриев и др. — Новый Хронограф Москва, 2015. — С. 600.
ISBN 978-5-94881-290-8

Posted on site: 21.06.15


Destructive the context of the practices of intermediaries and labor relations workers with employers encourage workers to develop new forms of self-organization: the closed community and self-segregation. There are the first signs microgate.