Mareeva, S. Social justice and inequalities in views of Russians Mareeva, S. Social justice and inequalities in views of Russians // Journal of Institutional Studies. 2015. V.7, #2. Pp. 109-119. ISSN 2076-6297Posted on site: 14.08.15Текст статьи.AbstractBased on the data of national representative surveys, article presents Russians' views on social justice and inequalities. It is shown that concept of justice remains very important for the Russian socio-cultural model, and its implementation in practice is related to equality of opportunities for all and differentiation in income based on legitimate basis in the eyes of the population: efficiency of work and level of education. However, current situation in Russia does not meet public perceptions of social justice. Moreover, Russians do not see any possibilities of changing this situation; they do not see working channels of social mobility, and that may lead to a revision of their ideas about the special role of the state. Content (in russ)hide table of contentsshow table of contents