Zhvitiashvili A. Sh. Hiring labor in Western countries: trends of development Zhvitiashvili A. Sh. Hiring labor in Western countries: trends of development // Hiring worker in modern Rissia / Ed. Z. T. Golenkova. - M.: Novya Chronograf, 2015. - 368 P. ISBN 978-5- 89697-249-5 Глава из книги: Наемный работник в современной России / Отв. ред. З.Т. Голенкова. – М.: Новый хронограф, 2015. – 368 с. ISBN 978-5-89697-249-5Posted on site: 03.11.15AbstractThe chapter highlights main trends of development of hiring labor in Western countries. The crisis of industrial system of hiring labor is revealed. Part-time jobs saplant full time jobs. Social groups whose individuals no have education, employment appear. Social clasification based on division on properters and hiring workers does not so actual for social stratification in Western societies.