Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Problems of employment of disable people

Problems of employment of disable people // Hired worker in modern Russia /Ed. Golenkova Z. T. - M.: Novya Chronograf,2015. - 368 p. ISBN 978-5-89697-249-5

Глава из книги: Наемный работник в современной России / Отв. ред. З.Т. Голенкова. – М.: Новый хронограф, 2015. – 368 с.
ISBN 978-5-89697-249-5

Posted on site: 10.11.15


The article deals with issues of disabled persons' integration in the society, problems of resettlement on labor market, problems of labor and legal awareness. The role and importance of State Placement Service are also analyzed