Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Ayvazova S.G. Mass politics: the effect of empowerment

Ayvazova S.G. Mass politics: the effect of empowerment // Russian political science: ideas, concepts, methods / Ed. L.V. Smorgunov. - M .: Aspect Press, 2015.- (Series Russian Political Science: Origins and Prospects, ed. O. Gaman-Golutvina). - P.254-271.
ISBN 978–5–7567–0814–1

Posted on site: 07.12.15



The article analyses the strategy of empowerment. The author believes that the strategy determines essential differences between modern and traditional forms of mass politics.  The article examines semantics and etymology of the notion empowerment, describes the history of its semantic development.  It also outlines the strategy based on this concept, assesses its significance for success of democratic regimes. Using the findings of a public survey   the author - focusing on  gender component  - attempts to find out if empowerment conforms to characteristics of mass consciousness and political behavior of Russians