Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Socio-economic factors of inter-ethnic tensions in the regions of the Russian Federation [electronic resource]

Socio-economic factors of inter-ethnic tensions in the regions of the Russian Federation [electronic resource] / Executive Editor M. F. Chernysh – M.: The Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2015. – 107 pages
ISBN 978-5-89697-265-5

Posted on site: 11.12.15

Текст ИНАБа


The bulletin explores the problem of inter-ethnic tension in the regions of Russia. Chapter 1 contains the theoretical and methodological basics of the problem. The inter-ethnic tension is often understood as a state of public mind resuscitating ethnic stereotypes and predispositions performative in respect to the relations between various ethnic groups. It is emphasized that a most common reason for inter-ethnic tension lies in mobilities including influx of alien culture migrants. Chapter 2 contains data of secondary analysis of attitudes to migrants in the Russian Federation and related aspects of inter￾ethnic tensions. It elaborates a tentative index of inter-ethnic tension which if used reveals the severity of potential conflicts with migrants. Chapter 107 3 contains an analysis of media contenta, media regarded as a factor that can inflame inter-ethnic tensions of calm them down. Chapter 4 deals with the problem of inter-ethnic tension in four Russian regions – S.Petersburg, Rostov-on-the-Don, Belgorod, and Crimea. It is based on the results of focus groups held in each of the regions targeting local populations and migrants. The tension arises as a result of a variety of reasons. The results point to the fact that recent flows of migrants are prone to incite tensions, particularly in the case when the culture of migrants contains a desire to resist acculturation and impose cultural domination on local populace.


Черныш М.Ф., Евсеева М.А., Епихина Ю.Б., Зобина Е.К., Кузнецов И.М., Мастикова Н.С., Мукомель В.И., Фадеев П.В.
Редактор: Черныш М.Ф.

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