Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Klimova SG, Shcherbakova IV Regional features of civic participation

Klimova SG, Shcherbakova IV Regional features of civic participation // Human Development as a condition factor of modernization of Russia and its regions: a collection of papers of All-Russian scientific-practical conference (Ufa, 19-20 November 2015) / Ed. RM Valiahmetova, GF Hilazhevoy. - Ufa: Guillem, Bash. wikis., 2015. S.378 - 382.

Глава из книги: Развитие человеческого потенциала как условие и фактор модернизации России и ее регионов: сборник статей Всероссийской научно-практической конференции (Уфа, 19-20 ноября 2015 г.) / под ред. Р.М. Валиахметова, Г.Ф. Хилажевой. – Уфа: Гилем, Башк. энцикл., 2015. – 516 с.
ISBN 978-5-88185-267-2

Posted on site: 21.12.15


The results of experimental data analysis of mass survey of residents of medium and small cities of Russia, taking into account the characteristics of the territorial context. The conclusion is that the territorial peculiarities of civic participation are determined not only by the size of the city, but also its functional features, which means that the characteristics of the population. This means that to increase the explanatory power of mass surveys in the body of evidence for the statistical analysis should include indicators characterizing the context of social processes.

Content (in russ)