Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Kukonkov PI High school as the factor of socialization of students. Russia: Trends and Prospects. Yearbook. Vol. 9. Part 2

Kukonkov PI High school as the factor of socialization of students. Russia: Trends and Prospects. Yearbook. Vol. 9. Part 2 / RAS. INION. Dep. scientific. Cooperation and Intern. relationships; Ans. Ed. YS Brewers. - M., 2014. - 706 p.
ISBN 978-5-248-00743-1

Posted on site: 28.01.16


The article substantiates the conclusion that overcoming the contradiction between the objective needs of society in a balanced structure of personnel and professional aspirations of young people, increasing its activity in the world of work involves the optimization of socio-professional orientation, the built-in system of vocational education in the region.