The cluster policy in RF: regional and branch aspects (on the materials of interactive research 2012–2014) [electronic resource] The cluster policy in RF: regional and branch aspects (on the materials of interactive research 2012–2014) [electronic resource] / Project manager and Executive Editor A.V. Tikhonov. M.: The Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2015. – 103 pages. 1CD ROM.ISBN 9785896972648Posted on site: 24.02.16Текст ИНАБаAbstractIn the Bulletin are presented the data on realization of cluster policy of the Russian Federation received by an author’s method of remote research under the name “electronic respondent”. On the basis of these data, it analyzes the work in the regions and sectors of Russia on creation of technological clusters from positions of the concepts of innovative industrialization and social-organizational zoning developed, respectively, by INP RAS and the Center of sociology of management and social technologies IS RAS. The publication is designed for participants of the cluster movement in the country, and also for employees specializing in the field of applied researches in the sphere of management of a national economy.Content (in russ)hide table of contentsshow table of contents Введение................................................................................4 1. Этапы и методология исследования, методика сбора данных....6 2. Результаты исследования................................................... 16 2.1. Результаты I-го этапа «Дистанционный анализ степени готовности регионов и отрас- лей к формированию инновационно-технологических класте- ров»................................................................................ 16 2.2. Результаты II-го второго этапа: «Дистанционный анализ степени готовности регионов и нефтегазовой отрасли к формированию инновационно-техно- логических кластеров»...................................................... 35 2.3. Результаты III этапа (2014 г.): «Перспективы кластерной политики в процессемодернизации системы управления на региональном уровне»....................................................................................54 Заключение.......................................................................... 83 Приложение 1....................................................................... 89 Список литературы................................................................ 100 Авторский коллектив:......................................................... 102 Summary............................................................................ 103