Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Civic education in the contexts of world history (part II)

Civic education in the contexts of world history (part II) // Obshaja tetrad. 2015. N. 4 (69). P. 65-78.
ISBN 978-5-93895-108-2

Posted on site: 10.05.16


Socio-genetic relationship problems of the the genesis of the modern city and education for citizenship at the eve of the modern era are under consideration in the article - from reformation to the times of bourgois revolutions. At this period civic education was mostly influenced not theoretically, but basically by new experiments - governmental, religious, revolutionary. Two pillars of civic education of these times - jesuits, french revolutionary - shaped the further development of the whole western tradition of education for citizenship in its elitists and democratic versions.