Maltseva D., Zadorin I., Petukhov V. Russian Society – 2020: Expert Vision of the Future Maltseva D., Zadorin I., Petukhov V. Russian Society – 2020: Expert Vision of the Future // Economic strategies. 2016. Vol. 18. № 3 (137). P. 32-55.ISSN 1680-094XРИНЦ: on site: 13.09.16AbstractIn accordance with the results of the sociological survey, conducted by the Institute of Sociology (Russian Academy of Sciences) and the Zircon Research Group in July-October, 2015, one can talk about the next (a new) stage of development of the political situation in Russia, that started in 2012. This stage is characterized mostly by the fundamental character of the changes, that concern most areas of public life. As the sociological data demonstrates, this stage will last until the Spring, 2018, and during this period high level of uncertainty will be holding on.