Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Socioeconomic behavior of Russian households // Bulletin of the Russian monitoring the economic situation and the health of the population of HSE (RLMS HSE). Vol. 6 [electronic resource]: Sat. scientific. Art. / Hole. Ed. P. Kozyrev. Electron. text. Dan. (Volume 3.34 Mb). M .: Nat. issled. Univ Higher School of Economics, 2016. P. 7-95.

Socioeconomic behavior of Russian households // Bulletin of the Russian monitoring the economic situation and the health of the population of HSE (RLMS HSE). Vol. 6 [electronic resource]: Sat. scientific. Art. / Hole. Ed. P. Kozyrev. Electron. text. Dan. (Volume 3.34 Mb). M .: Nat. issled. Univ Higher School of Economics, 2016. P. 7-95.
ISBN 978-5-7598-1506-8

Posted on site: 26.09.16



It is characterized by the dynamics of the main indicators of socio-economic status of Russian households. It is noted that in 2014 there was a decline in real incomes, and further increase the role of government transfer payments in maintaining the well-being of Russian families. Significantly slowed growth in real spending. Low-income households increase spending faster than the wealthy. However, about half of the costs of these families had to buy food. For the first time in recent years, an increase was recorded in the unemployment rate. Among the main reasons for the dismissal of the amount of wages discontent gave way to reduce positions, and closure. Once again, the increase in the proportion of citizens who noticed worsening financial situation and negatively evaluate their life prospects.


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