Sustainable University (genesis of a concept) Sustainable University (genesis of a concept) // Vedomosti prikladnoy etiki. 2016. N. 48. P. 142-161. ISSN 2307-518XРИНЦ: http:// on site: 10.10.16AbstractDisintegration of the previously common higher education body and individualization of the universities is under examination in the article. Due to the sustainable theory we could forecast deep civilizational transit in the modern world. Higher education is becoming mostly demanded institution of radical change: from transmissive to transforming in its basic aims. Education for sustainable development gives road to the sustainable university concept, which presupposes fundamental embeddedness of the university into global and local contexts. Responsibility for the renovation of the world human capital is more relevant to the deep understanding of new universities mission, than, as it has been up to the date, their pure effectiveness in instrumental and market competencies promotion.