Domestic sociological thought: potential of diagnostic and examination Domestic sociological thought: potential of diagnostic and examination Глава из книги: Социология и общество: социальное неравенство и социальная справедливость (Екатеринбург, 19-21 октября 2016 года) [Электронный ресурс] Материалы V Всероссийского социологического конгресса / отв. ред. В.А. Мансуров — Электрон. дан.— М.: Российское общество социологов, 2016. — 10696 С. — (DVD ROM).ISBN e978-5-904804-14-5Posted on site: 03.11.16Текст статьи.AbstractThis article explores the conditions and possibilities of the sociological community to influence social processes by incorporating social diagnosis and sociological expertise. The author concludes that the potential of the domestic sociological thought corresponds to the request of the Russian society for the socio-projective knowledge, as in the current situation sociological community has formed an adequate human and intellectual potential for the exercise of this social mission.