Tcherednitchenko G. Les écoles des élites en Russie: leur transformasions et le devenir des élèves Tcherednitchenko G. Les écoles des élites en Russie: leur transformasions et le devenir des élèves // Information des Sciences Sociales. Paris, 1995, sept., vol. 34. P 471-490.ISSN 0539-0184Posted on site: 16.11.16AbstractTransformation of Russian high schools in the 1990s which was carrying out through their organizational and educational diversification, responded to the demands of consumers who became more polar socially differentiated than before. There were formed mass schools, advanced schools and elite schools. The latter functioned on the basis of cultural and social selection, repeating the experience of the former Soviet specialized schools a foreign languages. We consider the current mutations of specialized schools, their social differentiation and privileged way in higher education of graduates of these schoolsАвторы:Чередниченко Г.А.