Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

The problems of preventive work with children who had suffered from domestic violence

The problems of preventive work with children who had suffered from domestic violence//Modern problems of education, pedagogy, socialization of children in the context of innovative practices: Monograph / Ed. B.S Pavlov. - M: Pero publishing, 2016. p. 65-72.
ISBN 978-5-906883-95-7

Posted on site: 23.11.16


The article analyzes the specific features  of preventive work with children who had suffered from domestic violence. The experience of the regional offices of the Russian Children's Fund named after A. Likhanova for the implementation of child protection programs is explored. The term «child abuse» is clarified, as well as the causes of domestic violence, its manifestations, and its impact on the socialization of children. The most effective forms of activities of social services and crisis centers for the implementation of the prevention of child abuse are considered. The relevance of the research topic stems from the fact that today there is almost no sociological works, which would highlight the issue of child protection. The article analyzes the specific features  of preventive work with children who had suffered from domestic violence. The experience of the regional offices of the Russian Children's Fund named after A. Likhanova for the implementation of child protection programs is explored. The term «child abuse» is clarified, as well as the causes of domestic violence, its manifestations, and its impact on the socialization of children. The most effective forms of activities of social services and crisis centers for the implementation of the prevention of child abuse are considered. The relevance of the research topic stems from the fact that today there is almost no sociological works, which would highlight the issue of child protection.

Content (in russ)