Klimova SG Entrepreneurs in the market of social services: the conditions of success Klimova SG Entrepreneurs in the market of social services: the conditions of success / Helping Professions: scientific rationale and innovative technologies. - Coll. Art .: 100 anniversary of Nizhny Novgorod State University. NI Lobachevsky / Edited by prof. Z. Saralieva. - Nizhni Novgorod: Publishing house NISOTS 2016. – p.41-45ISBN 978-5-93116-183-9Posted on site: 30.11.16AbstractWe present some results of studies on the role of social entrepreneurship in the privatization of social services. We analyze the conditions of success of social entrepreneurship in the social sphere. These conditions are: 1 - favorable or resistant normative context. 2 - substantive features of the business. 3 - the presence of the network - interacting associates and employees. 4 - Features business entrepreneur strategies.