Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

The Timeline of the United States Presidential Election, 2016

The Timeline of the United States Presidential Election, 2016. Experience of Sociological Observation of the Social Process

Posted on site: 10.01.17

Текст книги.


Since January to December 2016 the author of this book has monitored the development of the presidential election campaign in the United States. Almost every day, he posted texts on his Face Book page, in which he described the dynamics of the electorate, and discussed the historical and methodological issues of public opinion research. More than 400 posts form the content of this book. The book addresses to the sociologists, polls ters, political scientists, experts on the history and methodology of science as well as students who are interested in the past and present of public opinion research.

Content (in russ)