Vanke A. (2017) Sotsiologicheskaya diskussiya o neravenstve v Rossii i za ee predelami [Sociological Debate on Inequalities in Russia and Beyond]. The Russian Sociological Review, vol. 16, no 1, pp. 270-277 (in Russian) Vanke A. (2017) Sotsiologicheskaya diskussiya o neravenstve v Rossii i za ee predelami [Sociological Debate on Inequalities in Russia and Beyond]. The Russian Sociological Review, vol. 16, no 1, pp. 270-277 (in Russian)ISSN 1728-1938Posted on site: 12.04.17Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: review considers the 5th All-Russian Sociological Congress held at the Ural Federal University in Yekaterinburg in October, 2016. The event, entitled “Sociology and Society: Social Inequality and Social Justice,” attracted more than 1000 delegates from Russia and abroad. The Congress took place against a background of increasing social inequality in Russia, following the economic crisis of 2015. The program included 17 sessions, 37 panels, and 35 round tables which covered burning topics such as the unequal distribution of resources in Russian regions, the reduction of social welfare, the low living standards of vulnerable social groups, the growth of ethnic tension, and others. One of the plenary talks was given by the president of the International Sociological Association, Margaret Abraham, who spoke on the humanistic mission of Sociology, and called to coalesce in the struggle against social injustice in the world. The discussions at the Congress have shown that sociologists in Russia follow the global trends in examining urgent social problems, as well as in reflecting methodological issues, e.g., the application of new approaches in inequality studies. The debate on the restriction of academic freedoms in Russia at the closing plenary session made it obvious that the solution to this problem can be found in professional solidarity and is the responsibility of everyone who belongs to the sociological community. Авторы:Ваньке А.В.