Patrushev S.V., Philippova L.E. Dualism of mass consciousness and a typology of mass politics. Political science (RU), 2017, N 1. З.13-37. Patrushev S.V., Philippova L.E. Dualism of mass consciousness and a typology of mass politics. Political science (RU), 2017, N 1. З.13-37.ISSN 1998–1775Posted on site: 20.04.17Текст статьи на сайте журнала: URL: article analyzes the features of mass political consciousness andtheir influence on shaping of mass politics. The mass political consciousness is interpretedas one of the key factors determining the characteristics of political reality. The authorsdevelop a concept of dualism in order to describe mass political consciousness of Russianpeople – a combination of traditional (archaic) and modern norms, values, and attitudeswhich has been reproducing for centuries. It is demonstrated that the dualistic politicalconsciousness serves as a basis for an increasing depolitization of masses, but also has apotential to produce destructive politics of the masses. Mass involvement in politics ofcitizens is suggested to overcome the dualism of mass political consciousness.