Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Dmitriev A.V., Voronov V.V. About the content of ontology and phenomenology of labor. Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences, 2016. Nr.11. Pp. 96-107.

Dmitriev A.V., Voronov V.V. About the content of ontology and phenomenology of labor. Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences, 2016. Nr.11. Pp. 96-107.
ISSN 0235-1188

Posted on site: 05.09.17

Текст статьи на официальном сайте журнала: URL:


Labor advocates a single substance of social life of things and social existence of people, because labor is continuously transferred from the form of activities in the form of being, of the forms of motion in the form of objectivity, materialized in the product of labor in its various historical forms: direct or indirect. Therefore, all social concreteness have a dual character: have a material existence and are carriers of certain socio-economic relations, which does not reduce them to the objective nature of being. In this understanding of the complexity of the labor phenomenology. However, the monistic paradigm (use-value or value) defines all the different interpretations of the non-market or market phenomenology of economic activity.