Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Grushaeva N.P., Belaya L.N., Bryntseva E.V., Gurieva I.V., Kuznetsova N.I., Lavrova E.N., Levina I.O., Maksimova O.V., Proskurina S.V., Rahmatulina O.A., Sinitsyna V.A., Strukova L.M., Sysoeva O.V., Chizhikova M.A., Shestakova L.V. Technologies for effective socialization of children 3-7 years old: implementation system, forms, scenarios: methodical manual. - M .: Ventana-Graf, 2017. - 320 p. - (Tropinki)

Grushaeva N.P., Belaya L.N., Bryntseva E.V., Gurieva I.V., Kuznetsova N.I., Lavrova E.N., Levina I.O., Maksimova O.V., Proskurina S.V., Rahmatulina O.A., Sinitsyna V.A., Strukova L.M., Sysoeva O.V., Chizhikova M.A., Shestakova L.V. Technologies for effective socialization of children 3-7 years old: implementation system, forms, scenarios: methodical manual. - M .: Ventana-Graf, 2017. - 320 p. - (Tropinki)
ISBN 978-5-360-07853-1

Posted on site: 16.10.17



The book presents new technologies for the socialization of a preschool child, allowing him to effectively form and develop self-regulation of behavior, independence, initiative, responsibility, which are qualities necessary not only for successful adaptation and education in school, but also for living in modern society. The book is supplemented by the section Examples from the experience of introducing technologies for the socialization of preschool children. Complies with the Federal state educational standard of preschool education (2014)


Гришаева Н.П., Белая Л.Н., Брынцева Е.В., Гурьева И.В., Кузнецова Н.И., Лаврова Е.Н., Левина И.О., Максимова О.В., Проскурина С.В., Рахматулина О.А., Синицына В.А., Струкова Л.М., Сысоева О.В., Чижикова М.А., Шестакова Л.В.

Content (in russ)