Sogomonov A.Yu. Sustainable City: the variety of ideas and pratices. Article III. Sustainable City as a realistic Utopia. Municipal Power. 2017. N.2. P. 10-15. Sogomonov A.Yu. Sustainable City: the variety of ideas and pratices. Article III. Sustainable City as a realistic Utopia. Municipal Power. 2017. N.2. P. 10-15. Posted on site: 26.10.17AbstractThe problem of social construction of sustainable city as a cultural ideal (21-st century utopia) is under the consideration. Sustainable city is not a pattern or systematic concept to follow up. It is not also a substantial doctrine, more likely - the shift in mass consciousness and attitudes of citizens of advanced and gloibally responsible cities of the world. It is basically the shift towards deeper peoples involvement into their local life. Clearly sustainable city is an ecotopy, that shows global trends, like sustainability 3-R, green housings, creative architecture, sustanable transport, and digital cities.