Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Internet activity and civic consciousness

Internet activity and civic consciousness / Mind at a crossroads: between past and future: collected scientific articles. J.A. Krasin (CTE), A.B. Weber, A.A. Galkin. — M.: Aspekt press, 2017. -256 p.

Глава из книги: Разум на распутье: Общественное сознание между прошлым и будущим: Сборник научных статей / Под ред. Ю. А. Красина (отв. ред.), А. Б. Вебера, А. А. Галкина. — М.: Изд. «Аспект Пресс», 2017. — 256 с.
ISBN 978–5–7567–0920–9

Posted on site: 27.10.17

Текст статьи.


Rapidly developing information technologies change qualitatively communication environment and structure of public space, exerting a significant influence on the change of mass consciousness and political behavior. Development of network forms of communication and self-organization occurs under the influence of various pulses and, above all, attempts of various social and political forces to master the public space of the Internet. The article traces the interaction of authorities and society on the Internet – the rise of public initiatives and their impact on power making decisions. Analysis of social activism on the Internet allows to positively assess the possibilities to improve the legal and political culture, the establishment of new bases of social trust and civic participation. The formation of civic awareness through the network of communication and interaction contains a powerful potential to upgrade aging social and political institutions

Content (in russ)