Usacheva O.A., Yanitskiy O.N. Scientific and Technological Revolution and Early Socialization. In: Science and Education. Materials of the XV International Research and Practice Conference (April 11-12, 2017). Munich: Vela Verlag, Germany. 203-214. Usacheva O.A., Yanitskiy O.N. Scientific and Technological Revolution and Early Socialization. In: Science and Education. Materials of the XV International Research and Practice Conference (April 11-12, 2017). Munich: Vela Verlag, Germany. 203-214.ISBN 978-3-946227-15-1Posted on site: 09.11.17Текст статьи.AbstractBased on the historical studies of the Russian education system, own unique experience of inclusion in various sociocultural environments, literature studies and the results of a number of research projects, the authors put forward the following hypotheses. The first, as a result of the Third Scientific and Technical Revolution, the world is becoming not only global, but increasingly complex, uncertainly; the rate of its development is accelerating. The second, the very environment of early socialization is changing; it is simultaneously complicated and simplified, divided into materially tangible, virtual and etc. The third, existing institutions of early socialization (family, inner circle, school) lag behind the rate of the current changes. The fourth, existing today class-lesson system of early socialization doesn`t already correspond to the complex nature of fast-flowing changes. The fifth, information and communication systems (ICS), which are generated by the Third Technological Revolution, bring countries and peoples together, simultaneously generating hotbeds of tension. Due to the early inclusion into the ICS, the children and the youth are much more advanced than the older generations. The sixth, based on the works by Z. Bauman, U. Beck, I. Kohn and other world-class researchers, the authors believe that today a child, a teenager, turns from an subject to management into an agent of social action. Accordingly, its primary socialization cell is transformed into a social network. The seventh, as ICS squeezes social time and space, the step-by-step socialization of the child and the teenager in terms of subjects doesn`t already corresponds to his versatile practical experience. The eighth, so today the return to the classical school system of the 1950th years, in its previous form, isn`t impossible. The ninth, Russian and foreign experience of teaching the students and youth by an action gives long-term positive results, contributing to the development of social activity and the interest in interdisciplinary knowledge/activities. The tenth, comprehensive knowledge of the structure and dynamics of the world of childhood is necessary for theoretical sociology, that is based on problem-oriented and interdisciplinary approaches.Авторы:Усачева О.А., Яницкий О.Н.