Rybakova L.N. Controlled consumption of drugs and problems of social communications. The scientific journal Discourse. 2017. No. 10 (12). P. 105-120. Rybakova L.N. Controlled consumption of drugs and problems of social communications. The scientific journal Discourse. 2017. No. 10 (12). P. 105-120.ISSN 2542-1387Posted on site: 10.11.17Текст статьи на официальном сайте журнала URL: http://journal-discurs.ru/files/arkhiv-zhurnala/10-2017/105-120.pdfAbstractThe article examines the features of controlled or as it is called integrated form of drug use. As a result, it is difficult to identify drug dependence in humans. Such a hidden form of consumption of prohibited substances has two variants of the development of events, one of which consists in the total refusal to use drugs, and the second is characterized by a breakdown leading to a high degree of drug dependence. As a tool to prevent this form of drug use, it is advisable to use the potential of communication on an equal foot-to-face basis. Content (in russ)hide table of contentsshow table of contents