Alexander Gofman. Leon Bourgeois, Celestin Bougle and solidarism. Introductory article Alexander Gofman. Leon Bourgeois, Celestin Bougle and solidarism. Introductory article // Solidarism in France in the Third Republic Period. Ed. by Alexander Gofman. Moscow: KDU, Universitetskaya Kniga, 2017. (Ser. Theory and History of Sociology). P.4-20. Глава из книги: Солидаризм во Франции в период Третьей республики: Леон Буржуа и Селестен Бугле. Ред.-сост. А.Б.Гофман. М.: КДУ, Университетская книга, 2017. 196 с. (Сер.: Теория и история социологии).ISBN: 978-5-91304-738-0Posted on site: 12.11.17 AbstractThe article deals with the treating of intellectual and political work by two theorists and leaders of French solidarist movement, that is Leon Bourgeois (1851–1925), eminent politician, Nobel Peace Prize laureate, and Celestin Bougle (1870-1940), well-known French sociologist. The first of them made a great contribution to the formation and development of solidarism, the latter analyzed the basic principles of solidarist movement. The significance of their work, as well as of social solidarity and of solidarist movement for the present-day Russian society, is evaluated.