Solidarism in France in the Third Republic Period Solidarism in France in the Third Republic Period. Ed. by Alexander Gofman. Moscow: KDU, Universitetskaya Kniga, 2017. 196 p. (Ser. Theory and History of Sociology). ISBN: 978-5-91304-738-0 Posted on site: 14.11.17 AbstractThe book contains the works by an eminent politician, Nobel Peace Prize laureate Leon Bourgeois (1851–1925) and a well-known sociologist Celestin Bougle (1870-1940) on the social and political doctrine of solidarism. The basic problem and aim for Bourgeois and Bougle was the reinforcement of solidarity in French society at the turn of 19 and 20 centuries in order to compensate for its social inequaliry. According to them solidarism is mainly mutual responsibility, mutual assistance and just distribution of goods; it must be formalized in legislation and introduced by social education. In these works the conceptual similarities and differences between solidarism, liberalism and socialism are discussed.Авторы:Буржуа Л., Бугле С., Гофман А.Б.Редактор: Гофман А.Б.Content (in russ)hide table of contentsshow table of contents Оглавление Леон Буржуа, Селестен Бугле и солидаризм: Вступительная статья... 4-20 Леон Буржуа. Солидарность... 21-68 Селестен Бугле. Солидарность....69-196Главы из этой книги:Гофман А. Б.. Alexander Gofman. Leon Bourgeois, Celestin Bougle and solidarism. Introductory article (C. 4-20)