Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Egorova N.Yu., Voronin G.L. A model for determining marriage form: socio-demographic factors

Egorova N.Yu., Voronin G.L. A model for determining marriage form: socio-demographic factors // Vestnik of Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Nov-grod. Social Sciences. No. 3 (47). – Nizhni Novgorod: Nizhni Novgorod University Press, 2017. –154 pp.
ISSN 1811-5942

Posted on site: 30.11.17

Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: (Дата обращения 30.11.2017)


The paper analyzes some trends that determine the formation of new strategies for building family/marriage behavior and diversity of marriage forms (marriage/cohabitation, marriage/remarriage). The study is based on demographic statistics and on the data of the Russian monitoring of economic situation and public health (RLMS-HSE). Socio-demographic characteristics of spouses/partners are analyzed; discriminant analysis reveals the most significant social, demographic, economic factors that determine the individual's belonging to a particular family group. The results suggest that cohabitation is more common in low-status groups: among those with a low education level, low income, unemployed, etc. The «qualitative» characteristics of the relationship (duration of living together, number of children) are also an important differentiating indicator for married and cohabiting spouses. A longer period of living together and a greater number of children are more likely to be the signs of marriage rather than cohabitation.