Pavlova T.V., Philippova L.E. (IS FCTAS RAS, Moscow), Patrushev S.V. (IP FCTAS RAS Pavlova T.V., Philippova L.E. (IS FCTAS RAS, Moscow), Patrushev S.V. (IP FCTAS RAS / RFTA, Moscow) Institutional Problems of the Constitution of the Political Field in Contemporary Russia. In: Time of Big Changes: Politics and Politics: Proceedings of the All-Russian Scientific Conference of the RPSA. Moscow. RUDN Univ., November 24-25, 2017 / ed. O.V. Gaman-Golutvina, L. V. Smorgunov, L.N. Timofeeva - Moscow: RUDN Univ., 2017 .- P.276-277.ISBN 978-5-209-08158-6Posted on site: 01.12.17 AbstractThe conception of the RFBR research project The Constitution of the Political Field in Russia: Institutional Analysis (led by L.E. Filippov) is presented. A detailed definition of the concept of political field is given, institutional problems of forming a political field are shown, the existence of a de-formalized non-political power zone in the country is justified, and preconditions for the possible formation of a political field in Russia are outlined.