Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Malyshev M.L. Problems of interaction of labor markets and professional education

Malyshev M.L. Problems of interaction of labor markets and professional education // Russia and the modern world: capital, solidarity, subjectivity. Materials of XXII Sociological readings. [Electronic resource]. 2017. pp. 55-60.
ISBN: 978-5-7139-1330-4

Posted on site: 01.12.17


The consequences of population ageing entail changes in both economic sphere and social structure of the society. Th e transformation of the population’s age structure requires the government to implement measures in two directions: supporting the country’s sustainable socio-economic development and ensuring the decent quality of life for the permanently growing group of the older generation. Th e purpose for the article is to conduct comprehensive analysis of the results of the ninth wave of monitoring of the modern social policy for elderly Muscovites, which helps assess the standard of living and the quality of life. Th e information framework includes data of the ninth wave of comprehensive monitoring of the standard of living and quality of life of elderly citizens (sampling – more than 5 thousand representatives of retired Muscovites). Th e article reviews the key issues of implementing the modern social policy for elderly Muscovites to encourage active ageing, improve the quality of life, use knowledge, experience and labor potential of the older generation as an important resource of economic growth, and create an effi cient system of social assistance and support responsive to the needs of modern people, complete, and ensure its effi cient practical implementation. Th e study uses general scientifi c and sociological methods. Th e sociological assessment of the monitoring results helps identify both positive and negative aspects of the current state of the standard of living and the quality of life of the older generation. It is concluded that the current statue of the new structure of social service indicates the beginning of its reorganization. It is required to conduct more intense reformation of social security for elderly people in Moscow with the re-focus on creating conditions for ensuring independence, realization of internal potential, active participation in economic and social development of the city. It is necessary to engage all social institutions of the city in the process of transformation of the structure of social security for the elderly citizens (healthcare, education, culture, sport, employment, et c.). Middle age, social security, social work, social services, quality of life, social infrastructure. Th e consequences of population ageing entail changes in both economic sphere and social structureof the society. Th e transformation of the population’s age structure requires the government to implementmeasures in two directions: supporting the country’s sustainable socio-economic developmentand ensuring the decent quality of life for the permanently growing group of the older generation. Th epurpose for the article is to conduct comprehensive analysis of the results of the ninth wave of monitoringof the modern social policy for elderly Muscovites, which helps assess the standard of livingand the quality of life. Th e information framework includes data of the ninth wave of comprehensivemonitoring of the standard of living and quality of life of elderly citizens (sampling – more than 5thousand representatives of retired Muscovites). Th e article reviews the key issues of implementingthe modern social policy for elderly Muscovites to encourage active ageing, improve the quality oflife, use knowledge, experience and labor potential of the older generation as an important resourceof economic growth, and create an effi cient system of social assistance and support responsive tothe needs of modern people, complete, and ensure its effi cient practical implementation. Th e studyuses general scientifi c and sociological methods. Th e sociological assessment of the monitoring resultshelps identify both positive and negative aspects of the current state of the standard of living andthe quality of life of the older generation. It is concluded that the current statue of the new structureof social service indicates the beginning of its reorganization. It is required to conduct more intensereformation of social security for elderly people in Moscow with the re-focus on creating conditionsfor ensuring independence, realization of internal potential, active participation in economic andsocial development of the city. It is necessary to engage all social institutions of the city in the processof transformation of the structure of social security for the elderly citizens (healthcare, education,culture, sport, employment, et c.).