Brega A. V. The welfare state: between destiny and dependency. In: The social state and policy: collection of scientific articles Brega A. V. The welfare state: between destiny and dependency. In: The social state and policy: collection of scientific articles / Under the editorship of O. M. Mikhailenok, V. V. Lublinskiy; Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS. (Harmony in the society as a condition of development of Russia. Issue 5). – M.: FCTAS RAS, 2017. – P. 98-108.Глава из книги: Социальное государство и политика: сборник научных статей / Под ред. О.М. Михайленка, В.В. Люблинского; Институт социологии РАН. – Москва: ФНИСЦ РАН, 2017. – 268 с. (Согласие в обществе как условие развития России. Выпуск 5).ISBN 978-5-89697-289-1Posted on site: 01.12.17AbstractToday, a social state is rightly recognized as one of the highest achievements of the evolution of the state system. Its activities are aimed at the practical harmonization of the rights of individuals and social justice in everyday life. As the social orientation of the economies of a number of countries increased in the functioning of the social state, serious problems began to appear, the consequence of which was social dependency. A systemic danger is the emergence of social, poorly educated strata who do not agree to receive an adequately low salary and prefer to live only through benefits and subsidies. With the passage of time, the population's satisfaction with the set and quality of social benefits is decreasing, and the state begins to experience serious financial work to fulfill its social obligations. State regulation of the social sphere must be built in such a way as to minimize existing shortcomings. Therefore, it seems to us that the primary task of the state should be the formation of an active system of conditions and actions for a more complete use of the labor, intellectual, entrepreneurial potential of able-bodied citizens. stimulating their personal responsibility for self-sufficiency.