Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Aivazova S.G. (IP FNISTS RAS, Moscow) Revolution: a request for gender equality in the field of politics. In: Time of big changes: politics and politics: materials of the All-Russian Scientific Conference of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Moscow, PFUR, November 24-25, 2017. P.25-26

Aivazova S.G. (IP FNISTS RAS, Moscow) Revolution: a request for gender equality in the field of politics. In: Time of big changes: politics and politics: materials of the All-Russian Scientific Conference of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Moscow, PFUR, November 24-25, 2017. P.25-26
ISBN 978-5-209-08158-6

Posted on site: 02.12.17



The formulation of the issue of women's equal rights in the field of Russian politics dates back to the revolutionary days of October 1905, when the highest manifesto of Nicholas II appeared under the pressure of society, proclaiming that a new constitutional order was being introduced in the country and the State Duma was being convened as an organ of people's representation. Published on December 11, 1905, the law on the procedure for elections to the Duma granted suffrage to men only. Women were excluded from the category of persons with political powers. And with the help of an extensive network of their organizations began to seek such authority. Largely due to their activity, the beginning of the revolutionary process of 1917 was marked by the thousands demonstration of women demanding not only bread and return of husbands from the war, but also granting them the right to vote. Actions in support of the requirements of women's equality were so powerful that the Official Provision on Elections to the Constituent Assembly, approved by the Provisional Government on July 20 and entered into force on September 11, 1917, included a rule that established that the Constituent Assembly would be elected on the basis of , without distinction of gender, and equal suffrage . Thus, the February Revolution officially recognized the equality of women as one of the principles of the functioning of Russian politics. After the October events, the Soviet authorities confirmed their loyalty to this principle.The Russian case is typical for the history of the struggle for women's equality. Beginning with the era of great bourgeois revolutions and up to the present day, the process of breaking traditional gender logics in politics, as a rule, falls on periods of revolutionary upheaval. Algorithm of the process is approximately the same for different countries and different cultures: on the wave of mass actions, women claim their claims to the right to vote in the field of politics. The first reaction of the environment is almost always negative.Modern politics largely reproduces this ontological property - it is a natural environment, mainly for males.Nevertheless, the impetus given by the requirements to reformat the political field taking into account the gender factor, albeit slowly, but works. Thus, in the period from 1999 to 2015, the number of women in the parliaments of the world has almost doubled, as a whole it is already over 20%.According to the assessment of the Inter-Parliamentary Union on the representation of women in legislative bodies, Russia occupies only 132 place in the world. . What is it, the reverse turn of the domestic history? The twentieth century began for Russian women as a century of emancipation. Emancipation is difficult, complex, incomplete. Is this process abortive in the twenty-first century? The question is open