Marshak A.L. Review of the monograph of M. K. Gorshkov Russian society as it is: the experience of sociological diagnosis (In 2 volumes Ed. 2nd, revised. and add., Moscow: New chronograph, 2016) ... Marshak A.L. Review of the monograph of M. K. Gorshkov Russian society as it is: the experience of sociological diagnosis (In 2 volumes Ed. 2nd, revised. and add., Moscow: New chronograph, 2016) // Sociology of education. No. 2, 2017. P. 114-117.ISSN 1561-2465РИНЦ: on site: 03.12.17AbstractReview of the monograph of M. K. Gorshkov Russian society as it is: the experience of sociological diagnosis (In 2 volumes Ed. 2nd, revised. and add., Moscow: New chronograph, 2016).