Ryzhova S.V., Titova Т.А. Ethnic and religious identity as a possible resource of social consolidation. In: INAB №3 – 2017. Ethnicity and interethnic relations in a social context ... Ryzhova S.V., Titova Т.А. Ethnic and religious identity as a possible resource of social consolidation. In: INAB №3 – 2017. Ethnicity and interethnic relations in a social context / [Electronic publication] / [L. M. Drobizheva, etc.]; Resp. editor L.M. Drobizheva. - Electron. text. (the volume is 1.7 MB). - Moscow: FCTAS RAS, 2017. - p. 73-88. 1 electron. opt. 12 centimeters disc (CD-ROM).Глава из книги: ИНАБ №3 - 2017. Этничность и межнациональные отношения в социальном контексте / [Электронное издание] / [Л. М. Дробижева и др.]; Отв. ред. Л. М. Дробижева, С. В. Рыжова. – Электрон. текст. дан. (объем 1,7 Мб). – М.: ФНИСЦ РАН, 2017. – 126 с. 1 электрон. опт. диск 12 см (CD‑ROM).ISBN 978-5-89697-296-9DOI 10.19181/inab.2017.3Posted on site: 19.12.17AbstractAlong with the need to strengthen the Russian nation as a civil society, united by the bonds of political and territorial unity, the task of preserving the ethnic culture of the Russian peoples is urgent in Russian society, which in turn supports in people their ethnic and religious identity. The data of the conducted research in Tatarstan show that 47% perceive the ethnic diversity of the Russian Federation positively, only 12-15% of Tatarstan share a negative attitude. Exclusive religious sentiments aimed at imposing a single religion and value system are not supported by the Tatarstanians, the majority seeks a society built on the basis of mutual respect, relying on secular values, with minimal participation of exclusive (excluding other religious traditions) religiosity. Content (in russ)hide table of contentsshow table of contents