Nogovitsin O.N. Matter of education. Pedagogy of Climent of Alexandria and the start of Platonic cosmology. RSUH Nogovitsin O.N. Matter of education. Pedagogy of Climent of Alexandria and the start of Platonic cosmology. RSUH/RGGU BULLETIN. Series:Psychology. Pedagogics. Education, 2017, № 2 (8), pp. 9 – 28.ISSN 2073-6398РИНЦ: on site: 25.12.17Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: article is devoted to the study of the transformation that ancient pedagogical model underwent in works of the early Christian thinker Clement of Alexandria. Particular attention is paid to Plato pedagogical views and the middle-platonic concept, presented in the “Textbook of Platonic Philosophy” by Alcinous. The article clarifies the relationship between the pedagogical concepts of the above authors and their cosmological notions.